Saturday 16th Feb, Day 2 of LYS:
I was supposed to go home to Canberra with my hubby, little bro Dave, and my boys, but woke up to complete exhaustion, and was so tired, and in so much pain, that I couldn’t travel, so back to bed for me. I will have to recover a bit before I can get home. It hurts to breath, I am worried I have worked myself sick – literally, gee I hope not.
Sleep. Sleep. And some more sleep
Sunday 17th Feb, Day 3 of LYS:
Sleep. More sleep. Don’t even have the energy to talk, let alone check the Facebook, feel terrible that I am not answering messages and keeping up with how things are going, and even where Sam is at, but I am spent, just too tired. I have to get home today though, because I have a very important scan tomorrow.
Thanks to my generous cousin, who shared his frequent flyer points with me, I am able to fly home this arvo, and will be able to make it to the hospital for scan on Monday. Still hurting to breath, not feeling well at all.
Monday 18th Feb, Day 4 of LYS
Fight through fatigue and pain to get up and get to scan in the morning. Thanks to my wonderfully supportive husband, I somehow make it. And great news – there is no disease progression!!!!!! This means the cancer hasn’t grown through the chemo, and I can stay on this chemo for another 3 months. This could not be better; it is literally the best result I could have received!
The doctors, give me a pretty thorough check up while I am there, because I am feeling so rotten, the pain is bad, the energy is low and I am feeling very out of sorts, but they give me a clean bill of health, it appears I just worked too hard, and need some rest to recover from it all.
I am so happy; this is really great news, home to rest now. I will get to back to LYS and Facebook when I am feeling a bit stronger, which won’t be long.
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