
Sunday, 7 July 2013

Connie's Diary: St Margarets College Berwick: Sophie Weston

One day a couple of months ago, Em (behind the scenes manager) told me about a year 12 Student who had ridden from Canberra to Melbourne on a two wheeled bike to raise money for Love Your Sister. I was amazed that such a young person would be so dedicated to the community and to helping others that she could a: organise such an event, and b: ride that distance.

The school requested that we send a representative from Love Your Sister to pick up the cheque. I was so impressed by this students efforts that I wanted to go personally, to meet this amazing young women, see the school she represents and accept the cheque on behalf of Love Your Sister.

I am so glad I went personally. Meeting Sophie Weston was an incredible experience. People often tell me that they think I am inspirational, but to me, all the people who do things to help Love Your Sister are inspiring, and Sophie Weston is an outstanding example of what people can do when they put their mind to something.

Before we went we didn’t know how much money the school and Sophie had raised. We arrived at the school for a special assembly for the presentation of the cheque. I think there were about 300 students there and we watched a short video presentation then we heard from the principal, from Sophie and I did a speech before the a group of year 12’s sang a delightful song about celebrating who you are, and loving what makes you different from the others.


During the biggest year of her schooling life, Sophie sacrificed her school holidays to ride about 700km from Canberra to Melbourne. Her parents, Sue and Gary are right behind her, inspiring her, assisting her and allowing her to flourish. Her sister was her main support, riding some of the distance with her. Her relationship with her sister was a lovely touch to this incredible achievement.

The Social committee at St Margarets worked together to raise around $1500 and together with funds raised by Sophie on her bike riding adventure, they raised $7020.80! What an achievement, Sophie you are amazing, and you shine brightly and give older people in Australia a lot to look forward to. You have shown remarkable initiative, dedication, leadership and empathy. I look forward to seeing what you achieve as you get older, you are definitely someone who could take on the world, and win.

Another bonus about going to St Margarets was that I got to see my gorgeous cousin Zoe, it was great to see you, a lovely surprise, I hadn’t realised it was your school I was visiting Zoe.

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